Fields: My Account Settings

Configures which features are active in the My Accounts pages for the profile. The settings apply only to the currently selected profile; they are not global to all profiles. Some options can be overridden by Symphony or Horizon ILS settings.

Profiles > My Account Settings

General Options

Specifies the options that are active on the General Options tab in My Account.

Allow patrons to change PIN

Specifies whether patrons can assign a new personal identification number for logging in to their account.

Allow patrons to configure their SMS Notification preferences

Specifies whether patrons can choose to receive Short Message Service (SMS) notifications from the library. When selected, an SMS Notifications section is added to the Personal Information tab in My Account. Patrons can add or delete SMS enabled telephone numbers, including country code, in the list.

Each number has a several notification types that can be included for receiving text message alerts from the library:

  • Bill Notice—messages concerning fines and fees .
  • Overdue Notice—messages due dates for checked-out items.
  • Hold Pickup Notice—messages regarding items placed on hold.
  • Manual Message—messages that are manually created by library workers and sent to an individual patron.
  • User Announcements—general informative messages sent by the library.

You can configure the times and conditions for when system-generated messages are sent from within the ILS.

Display group information

Specifies whether user (or patron) group records display in the My Accounts tabs. A group refers to multiple cards that are linked together in the library record. This allows family accounts, for example, to be managed by a single person. Turning off group information means that a member of a group can see only the information for items and payments pertaining too his or her own card and not that of other group members. Also, if group information is activated for those patrons that are not members of a group, group information headings will not appear in their My Account tabs.

Note: Group administration is handled in the ILS. For example, if you do not activate group cards in Symphony, activating it in Portfolio would have no effect on the interface: group information would not be available in My Accounts.

Display item IDs

Displays the identification code of items that are listed anywhere in My Accounts. This is helpful for distinguishing between items that may be catalogued without a title (such as paperbacks in some libraries).

Display digital content options

Specifies whether digital content options will be displayed to patrons. This option controls the display of the Digital Checkout and Digital Holds views within their respective tabs, the Default Checkouts View and Default Holds View options under the patron's Preferences section.

This option also controls the display of the digital checkouts and holds counts under the patron's Summary section.

Display "Requests" tab on My Account

Specifies whether the Requests tab is visible to patrons in My Account. For more information, see Configuring requests.

Note: This option is only available for Symphony ILSs.

Expose Blocks via New Web Services

Specifies how Horizon blocks are displayed to the user in My Account.  If this box is selected, then blocks are displayed using the new Web Services.  If this box is not selected, the blocks are displayed as they have been with previous versions of Web Services.

Allow patrons to override interfiled settings

Specifies whether the EDS Display Mode drop-down displays in the Preferences tab of the Patron's My Account screen.

Important: At least one EDS search target must be selected and configured for interfiling for this selection to work. (See "Interfile EDS Results" in Fields: Select Search Targets for a Profile.)

Patron contact information display

Specifies if and how the patron contact information appears in My Account. Select one of the following three options:

Option Description


The patron's contact information is not shown in My Account.

Basic Enterprise display

The user information accordion displays with the user's name, address, phone number, and other information that may be stored in the ILS. This option should be used if you are using older versions of Web Services.

When this option is selected, you can also select the Display Alternate ID option. This option specifies whether to display the patron's alternate ID in the Personal Information tab and is only available when the Basic Enterprise display option is selected.

Web service configuration

The user information accordion displays with the user's name, address, phone number, and other information that may be stored in the ILS. This option should be used if you are using the current version of Web Services.

When this option is selected, you can also select the Allow patrons to modify contact information option. This option allows patrons to edit their own personal contact information in My Account and is only available when the Web service configuration option is selected.

Note: The Allow patrons to modify contact information option depends on your Web Services configuration and may require coordination with your Web Services administrator. For more information on which Web Services attributes correlate with which aspects of the patron contact information, see Selecting patron self-edit fields in Web Services for Horizon or Selecting patron self-edit fields in Web Services for Symphony. To learn how to set each of these fields as editable, see the "Resource Security Configuration" help topic in the Horizon and Symphony Web Services Admin Guides.

Checkout Options

Specifies the options that can be enabled for patrons in the Checkouts tab in My Accounts.

Portfolio supports several options that allow users to control collection and display of their Charge History. If your library has not previously used Charge History in SirsiDynix Symphony and is interested in doing so, please see the “FAQs: Using Charge History” in the Symphony Java WorkFlows online Help for more information on how to enable and configure Charge History in Symphony.

Allow patrons to renew

Specifies whether the Renew button appears on the Checkouts tab. When the Renew button is enabled, patrons can select books that they have checked out and renew the check-out period according to the policies you have set up in Symphony or Horizon.

Note: Renew functionality is handled in the Symphony or Horizon ILS. If you do not activate the renew function in the ILS, activating it in Portfolio will display the Renew button, but the button will not invoke the renew functionality; it will display as a button that does nothing.

Display number of renewals

Includes a "Number of renewals" column in the Checkouts tab that lists the number of times each book in the list has been renewed.

Note: Renew functionality is handled in the Symphony or Horizon ILS. If you do not activate the renew function in the ILS, activating it in Portfolio will display the Renew column, but no numbers will display; the column will remain empty.

Allow display of Checkout History

Specifies whether the Show my checkout history check box appears in the Preferences section in the patron interface. Both this option and the Show my checkout history option in the patron interface must be enabled for the Checkout History section to display in the Checkouts tab. in order for the History section to appear in the Checkouts tab. When activated in Portfolio and Symphony, the History section displays a list of the books the patron has checked out. The length of the time reported is configurable in Symphony.

If this option is disabled while Include "Record my checkout history" in Preferences is enabled, the ILS records the history although it is not displayed in Portfolio. If this option is enabled while the Include "Record my checkout history" in Preferences option is disabled, the History section displays any checkouts that had previously been recorded without updating for any recent checkout history.

Note: This option is also available for Horizon libraries, but is managed entirely through Portfolio and not through the ILS.

Include "Record my checkout history" in Preferences

Specifies whether the Record my checkout history check box appears in the preferences section and whether the ILS actively tracks the patron's checkouts when activated in Portfolio and Symphony.

If this option is enabled while Include "Show my checkout history" in Preferences is disabled, the ILS records the history although it is not displayed in Portfolio. If this option is disabled while the Include "Show my checkout history" in Preferences option is enabled, the History section displays any checkouts that had previously been recorded without updating for any recent checkout history.

Note: Checkout history is supported for Horizon ILSes. If you are using Horizon, this option will be managed entirely through Portfolio.

Note: Checkout history must be enabled in the SirsiDynix Symphony ILS before the checkout history options can be configured in Portfolio. When the checkout history is enabled, Symphony records all of the patron charges. If you do not activate checkout history in Symphony, activating it in SirsiDynix Portfolio will have no effect on the interface: the checkout history options will not be available in My Accounts.

The Symphony Charge History Rule options (in the Modify User wizard) determine whether a given user can use the Portfolio My Account settings to actually control whether charge history is recorded. The following list describes the Symphony Charge History Rule options and how they affect the Portfolio checkout history settings.

  • CIRCRULE: Does not give patrons the option to record charge history via Portfolio.

    If you want patrons to have the option of enabling or disabling the collection of checkout history, the CheckoutHistory setting in Symphony must NOT be set to CIRCRULE.

  • NOHISTORY: Gives patrons the option to record charge history via Portfolio. When they elect to record charge history, Portfolio changes their charge history rule to ALLCHARGES in Symphony.
  • ALLCHARGES: Gives patrons the option to display their charge history in Portfolio and to halt collection of their charge history via Portfolio.

Hold Options

Specifies the options that are available in the Holds tab in My Accounts. Much of the functionality in the Holds tab is configured in the Symphony or Horizon ILS. If a portion of the functionality is turned off in the ILS, the option to turn it on is still available in Portfolio but it will not override the ILS setting.

Display hold 'Status' column

Specifies whether a column displays on the tab that lists the current status ("Active" or "Suspended") of each item in the list. All items are active unless the patron has designated a suspension date range and the item is currently falls within that suspension range.

The status column displays the following statuses:

  • Pending: the item is currently in the hold queue.
  • Suspended: The patron has temporarily been removed from the hold queue for the item. At the end of the suspension, the patron will be returned to the queue in the same order or at the top of the list, if those patrons above the have either picked up the item or canceled their holds.
  • Pickup by: the item is available for the patron to check out until the date indicated. After the pickup date expires, the hold will be canceled and the item will be made available for pickup by the next patron in the queue.

Display 'Expires' column

Specifies whether an "Expires" column displays on the tab. The Expires column lists the date when the patron's hold request is removed from the list.

Display 'Place in Queue' column

Specifies whether a columns displays on the table that lists the patron's number in line for the held item.

Note: Displaying queue location is handled in the Symphony or Horizon ILS. If you do not activate it in ILS, activating it in Portfolio will display the column, but the will be empty.

Allow patrons to change pickup library

Specifies whether the Edit Pickup Location(s) button displays on the Holds tab.

Allow patrons to suspend holds

Specifies whether the Suspend Hold(s) button displays in the Holds tab. When displayed, patrons can specify a range of days during which the hold is suspended.

Note:  The ability to suspend holds is handled in the Symphony or Horizon ILS. If you do not activate it in the ILS, activating it in Portfolio will display the button, but the button will not do anything.

Allow Patrons to cancel holds that are Ready for Pickup

Specifies whether patrons can dismiss a hold that is currently ready for the patron to pick up. When this option is not selected, if a patron attempts to cancel a hold for an item that is ready for pickup, Portfolio will display a message that indicates that they cannot cancel the hold for that item.

Note: If both the Allow Patrons to cancel holds that are Ready for Pickup and Allow Patrons to edit holds that are Ready for Pickup are not selected, Portfolio removes the check box in My Holds for any items that are ready for pickup.

Allow Patrons to edit holds that are Ready for Pickup

Specifies whether patrons can edit the pickup location for a hold that is currently ready for the patron to pick up. When this option is not selected, if a patron attempts to edit the pickup location an item that is ready for pickup, Portfolio will display a message that indicates that they cannot edit the pickup location for that item.

Note: If both the Allow Patrons to cancel holds that are Ready for Pickup and Allow Patrons to edit holds that are Ready for Pickup are not selected, Portfolio removes the check box in My Holds for any items that are ready for pickup.

Fines & Fees Options

Specifies the options that are available to the patron on the Fines tab in My Account.

Allow payment history

Specifies whether a section appears on the tab that lets patrons view the payments that they have made through their account.

Note:  Displaying the payment history is handled in the Symphony or Horizon ILS. If you do not activate it in the ILS, activating it in Portfolio will display the Payment History section, but it will always be blank.

Patrons must pay all fines in one transaction

Specifies whether patrons can select from multiple billed items which they want to pay. When this option is selected, the Portfolio does not display the check boxes for selecting billed items.

Allow patrons to apply credits to fines

Specifies whether patrons can use any credit accrued in Symphony to pay for billed items in Portfolio. These payments will be made through the Symphony policy and account specified in the Credit Payment Settings.

Minimum Payment

Specifies the monetary value (greater than 0.00) under which your library cannot take electronic payments. The Minimum Payment amount displays as a note on the Current Fines section of the Fines tab (unless the amount is 0.00). If a patron's fine amount is below the Minimum Payment, Portfolio does not enable the Pay button. If your library allows partial payments, and the patron enters a payment amount less than the Minimum Payment, Portfolio displays an error message when the patron chooses the Pay button.

Payment Account Configurations

Allows you to assign selected payment accounts to a profile using a palette. If multiple payment accounts are assigned to a profile, then multiple payment buttons will display to patrons using that profile.


Displays a list of all the payment accounts that are available on the system. For more information, see Managing payment accounts.

You can select or multiselect one or more payment accounts and then click Select, or you can double-click individual payment accounts to move them to the Selected list.


Displays the list of payment accounts that are connected to the profile. These payment accounts can then be used by patrons to pay fines.

You can select or multiselect one or more payment accounts and then click Remove, or you can double-click individual payment accounts to move them to the Available list.

To add or remove payment accounts in the list, choose the payment account, and then use these buttons:

Option Description


Moves the selected payment account from the Available list to the Selected list.


Removes the selected payment account from the Selected list and returns it to the Available list.

Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which list a payment account is selected in and whether or not the account is attached to a profile.

The Remove option is disabled when you select payment accounts in the Available list, but it is enabled when you select payment accounts in the selected list. Additionally, the Remove option is disabled when you have selected one or more payment accounts that are already attached to a profile.

Credit Payment Settings

Specifies the category and account through which all credit payments are placed.

The Apply Credit Settings options help you connect to an account in Symphony for creating a payment from the patron's credit. All patron credit payments will be made through this account.

Note: When Allow patrons to apply credits to fines is selected, all of the Credit Payment Settings fields are required. When it is not selected, you can complete the fields, but it will have no affect on patrons making payments from library credit.

Apply Credit Setting includes these options:

Option Description

Credit Reason Policy

Specifies the category for the credit payment. The options available are configured within Symphony.

Important: Portfolio assigns all patron payments to the category that you select here.

Symphony Credit Payment User

Specifies the username of the Symphony account through which all patron payments will be made. This may be the account of a current administrative or staff user, a general account, or an account set up specifically for credit payments.


Specifies the password for logging in to the Symphony account.

Confirm Password

Verifies that the password was entered correctly.

Each component lets you set up the connection to Symphony.

Terms and Conditions Settings

Specifies whether patrons are required to accept the library's terms and conditions for making a payment through Portfolio. When Terms and Conditions is enabled, a check box displays next to the text "Accept Terms and Conditions to Submit Payment." The text is a link that opens the text that explains the terms and conditions. If the patron chooses the payment button before selecting the check box, a warning opens that indicates that the payment cannot be made until the patron has accepted the terms and conditions.

Show Terms and Conditions

Enables or disables the terms and conditions requirement on the payment page. When you select this option, a text box opens below the check box in which you can enter the details of the terms and conditions agreement. You can enter the text as plain text (in which case the content is displayed to the patron as default text) or as HTML code.

Important: If you enter the terms and conditions as HTML code, any incomplete tags will affect not only the terms and conditions, but also the payment page. Check the code carefully before you implement it on the payment page.

For the terms and conditions text box, you can also specify alternate text for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages, then enter the localized text in the field.

Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.

If localized text already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.

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